
Our Lady of Nazaré and the Miracle of D. Fuas Roupinho, Evocations in Lisbon

Although rare in Lisbon, the representation of Our Lady of Nazaré and the Miracle of D. Fuas Roupinho can be found in four evocations that we want to share with you.
Discover the story behind them and where these evocations can be found in our article!

Our Lady of Nazaré and the Miracle of D. Fuas Roupinho, Evocations in Lisbon Read More

Pia de Água Benta, Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Oliveira na Baixa de Lisboa.

Church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira: A Hidden Treasure in Baixa

Inserted, interestingly enough, in a building like many others, its façade is so discreet that we might come across its door daily without ever noticing that there is a church. The Church Nossa Senhora da Oliveira is, perhaps, one of the most unknown spaces of Christian worship in Baixa, downtown Lisbon.

Church of Nossa Senhora da Oliveira: A Hidden Treasure in Baixa Read More

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